Management of headache and dizziness

Our specialists know how to reduce your pain NOW.


Consultation of neurologist Prof. Antanas Vaitkus


Consultation of neurologist M.D. Aleksandras Vilionskis


Consultation of neurologist Aleksandra Gavrilova


If you are stressed out, tired of recurring headaches or dizziness, it is time to seek for our help. Neuroclinic “Empatija” aims to help you here and now. Effective headache and dizziness management techniques that are based on science and have been tested in practice by our specialists are ready for you:


1. Consultation by physical medicine and rehabilitation dr. Gintarė Vaitkienė

2. Headache relieving massage

3. Classical therapeutic massage

4. Drip infusions

5. Drip to improve cerebral blood flow

6. Neuro physiotherapy procedure


Registration by the phone +37069496677 or online.


Your pain calms down with us