Treatment of insomnia with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
This package includes 6 visits to the doctor:
Visit I: Examination protocol:
- medical history
- medication administration
- sleep hygiene,
- morphometric tests,
- respiratory, nasal, oral assessment
- Epworth, HAD scales,
- sleep diary,
- sleep assessment.
Visit II (after 1 week):
- Sleep hygiene
- Behavioural therapy: stimulus management, stimulus control
- Sleep restriction
- Alpha stim
Visit III (after 1 week):
- Sleep hygiene
- behavioural therapy
- sleep restriction
- cognitive therapy
- Behavioural therapy: problem-solving training
- Alpha-stim
Visit IV (after 1 week):
- Sleep hygiene
- psychotherapy: progressive muscle relaxation
- sleep restriction
- cognitive therapy
- behavioural therapy
- Alpha-stim
Visit V (after 1 week)
- Sleep aid strategies: ASRM, cuddling, tactile, audio.
- Psychotherapy
- coma restriction
- Behavioural therapy: training to overcome fear
- behavioural therapy: anxiety diversion
- alpha-stim
Visit VI (after 1 week):
- general assessment
- Setting the agenda for the next day
- questions – answers
- Alpha-stim
Tests of chronotherapy, polysomnography if needed.